- if You have some vehicles, and You have problems with keeping them clean, You have valuable advertisements with a logo of Your company, and You appreciate a quality of Your car varnish, which is more and more destroyed by an aggressive chemicals with a big PH indicator or standard "on stick" brush;
- if You're terrified about the costs of standard washing in a automatic car wash or excessively intake of water thereby need of removing quite big amount of sewage;
- if You appreciate Your and Your workers time;
- if Your aim is to enter the market of car washing services
We are proposing offer to sell mobile truckwash with its unquestionable values as a simple and very effective mobile truckwash for washing vehicles. We have devices almost every european producer on a exclusiveness basis or partnership new as well as pre-owned after regeneration and with long guarantee and with a delivery to the place where You want it to be. This device is especially useful there, where is a lack of conditions of installing the proffesional car wash or it's profitless, so mostly in medium and small transport companies.
F Furthermore in case of intentions of serving in that domain it is important to enter the services market, gain the customers and with a lack of selfassurance it's a good idea to invest (with much smaller risk) in... almost tenfold cheaper device than an automatic car wash. In the future mobile truckwash can serve as a auxiliary. Expecially in times of big demand of that service or at the quite often maintenance automatic car wash, which is indispensable operating activity.