+ 48 601720003 ; +48 532306479

biuro małpa waldpol kropka com

Necessary equipment

To guarantee secure and correct work (water environment, current WN) and also hard work with pulling the cable and water serpent it is neccessary to purchase

  • Special blocks to whom the cables are connected, and which are moving thru the line bus. Mostly the bus line with 8 mm² cross-section is used, secured from corrosion etc. This line is stretched above the washed vehicle. For this purpose we can use existing walls of buildings, bus shelters or put some columns.
  • It is very important to have appropriate amount of that blocks, to avoid any corrosions.
  • Bardzo istotną sprawą jest dobranie odpowiedniej ilości bloczków, aby po ich zsunięciu długość zwisu była odpowiednia (nie dotykała dachu mytego pojazdu) i ułatwiała bezkolizyjną pracę podczas mycia (przesuwanie myjni).
  • Another way to hang the cables on the line bus is to use special grips in shape similar to letter 'C'. As a rule we will use the line bus to inside lashings. The quality of cable and water serpent is very important. In that case we shouldn't suggest because of the price, but primarly because of the quality. Water serpent and the cable must be flexible, non breaking and resistant from environment and other chemicals causing corrosions.